Plain Bread

QUESTION: Since when did I start to fancy P L A I N - B R E A D

I started to ask for plain brown bread (not the normal white bread) to eat.
Mom will ask, "Don't u want any butter or jam to go with?" I shake my head every time to the same question.
As I was munching the bread with the satisfied look on my face, Mom scratched her head and started to wonder why. Usually, I would love to eat with my favorite strawberry jam or some butter to go with. Now, I rather go plain. Probably, that's what the school been doing? Giving plain bread? Uhmm, sounds fishy but again of course, its not a bad thing afterall. At least, I learnt to eat healthy, less sweet and hassle-free. Why hassle-free? Because I will always make a big fuss whenever my maid did the jam spread on my bread. Its either I blame her for spreading the wrong direction (wrong direction? Yes, I like systematic dude!) OR I find the jam too little on my bread. Now without having to spread any thing on my bread, I have one less "squabble" with the maid.

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