My personal soup

Since the day I started having proper meals during dinnertime, I noticed everyone (Daddy, Mommy & maid) has their own bowl of soup. Because of this, I demanded to have my own bowl as well. But since I was not catered in initially, I "grabbed" Mom's instead. God knows when I became so demanding.. I disallowed Mom to drink "my soup" (despite the fact; it was her share in the first place). She got really angry at first, not because I drink hers but towards my "selfish character"; refused-to-share kind of characteristic that worries her. In order to eliminate such situations (whereby Mom has to spent tons of time explaining to me about sharing and be kind), she decides to serve a separate bowl of soup, solely for me only. That solves the entire problem altogether. After that, I know this is my personal soup; everyone has a bowl including me... Instead, I learnt about the rule of being fair within the family, a fair share.

Actually, raising a toddler is not about just spending time and efforts teaching them the morales and values. Its a learning process for a parent to go through for each and every situation that this parent faces. This is what Mom had acquired for this past few months... She thought to herself: - It is not what we gonna teach our children; but more to what our children had taught us about life.

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