Writing Styles

I was trained to use my right hand... the glad thing is - I am using right hand to write now. Once in awhile, I use my left hand. But Mom will do her best to correct & remind me saying, "Use the other hand", means to use the right hand.

My form teacher commented on the way I hold the pen... she said, "The way Ray holds his pen; looks so sweet..." For a moment, Mom was like, "Huh??? So sweet?" So, teacher clarified saying, "He looks somehow refined and yet careful wen he really set his pen down to (trying) to write something... "
Anyway, Mom thought the way I hold my pen, looks kinda weird though... I dunno but she noticed; I seem to have somekind of "procedures" in holding pen, even my own toothbrush. I will ensure my finger touches a certain area of the pen/toothbrush, while the other finger hold the pen/toothbrush --- seems to make the grip more stable in one way or the other before I starts to write or brush my teeth. By far, these are the 2 items I had taken great efforts to hold them in my own way. On the contrary; I cant be bothered when I am holding my spoon or bowl or even cup.

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