Finally Poo!

This morning, I went to see Dr Sim. He said that could be due to change in the proportion of FM (Infant Formula Milk Powder) given to me now.. I used to drink BM (Breast Milk) during the day and FM during the night. But Mummy had swapped both since 2 weeks ago.

After explanation to Mummy, he asked the nurse to bring him a "TUBE" thingy.. then he inserted it into my rectal. Within 3 mins, I poo-ed while Mummy was waiting to collect my medicine. I was given a bottle of Orange Fluid and a "spare" tube ~ to insert into rectal should I suffer from Constipation again.

Reached home; Mummy cleaned; bathed and Im in my new clean outfit...
I took a 30mins nap. Then I poo-ed again! Mummy said, "Oh again??!!" I just showed Mummy an innocent face.

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